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How to Get Rid of Ingrown Hairs on Legs

Updated: 11/16/2019

Ingrown hairs  or razor bumps occur when a hair grows inwards and curls up instead of popping out. The red bumps caused due to ingrown hairs are often itchy and uncomfortable. Men often suffer from ingrown hair on the neck, cheeks, & chin after shaving while women suffer from it on armpits, legs, and public areas. An ingrown hair can lead to an infection leading to redness, swelling, as well as irritation resembling a pimple. Improper shaving methods and excessive hair growth are the main causes of ingrown hairs. Removing hair by waxing can also cause ingrown hairs. Thankfully, there are a variety of natural home remedies for ingrown hair removal. These methods are very effective and decrease the inflammation rapidly. They also accelerate the healing process and don't have any side effects.  You can apply them to the pubic parts of the body. Let Beauty Talk  show you how to get rid of ingrown hairs naturally & fast.

Top 24 Ways How To Get Rid Of Ingrown Hairs Fast & Naturally

1. Tea Tree Oil For Ingrown Hairs

The best solution on how to get rid of ingrown hairs naturally is tea tree oil massage because it will protect the skin from infection & keep it hydrated as well. Tea tree oil has anti-inflammatory and healing abilities, which loosen up the pores of the skin and remove the ingrown hair easily. Additionally, it's an antimicrobial agent and enhances the healing process. Moreover, it is able to ease the inflammation and redness caused by ingrown hairs. Let us tell you how to get rid of ingrown hairs with tea tree oil:

Things we need:

  • A tbsp of olive oil
  • Four drops of tea tree oil


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The first step is taking the olive oil and adding the tea tree oil to this. The next step is mixing the solution well and applying on your affected parts. Gently massage with the aid of the fingertips for five minutes and let sit for 10 minutes or more, before washing the affected area with lukewarm water. It's a great idea to reapply twice a day to eliminate ingrown hairs on the legs, face and neck.

2. How To Get Rid Of Ingrown Hair Using Cucumbers

How to get rid of ingrown hairs

"A hair in the head is worth two in the brush" – William Hazlitt.

The potent remedies on how to get rid of ingrown hairs naturally must include cucumber. Basically, cucumbers have anti-inflammatory & hydrating abilities that effectively soothe the irritating symptoms caused by an ingrown hair. Furthermore, cucumbers are able to relieve itchiness along with pain caused due to this condition since it packs vitamin C.

Option 1:

Things we need:

  • A cucumber


Take 1 cucumber first and then slice it. Now put these fresh cucumber slices in your refrigerator for about thirty minutes. After this, you rub on the affected area with the chilled cucumber slices. To get visible results, do this several times each day for several days.

Option 2:

Things we need:

  • ½ of a cucumber
  • 1/3 cup of milk


Make a puree of ½ a cucumber first and then mix in 1/3 cup of milk. After that, put this mixture in your refrigerator for several minutes until this is cold. Now soak a cloth in the prepared mixture and apply to your irritated area for some minutes. Finally, rinse this mixture off with lukewarm water. To improve the condition sooner, follow this home remedy 2 times each day for several days.

3. Aspirin For Ingrown Hair Removal

Aspirin contains a powerful exfoliator, which can ward off the redness and bumps related to ingrown hairs. Thanks to its anti-inflammatory abilities, aspirin is able to decrease swelling, treat mild infection and fight inflammation. Here's how to get rid of ingrown hairs with the help of aspirin:

Things we need:

  • 2 aspirin tablets
  • A teaspoon of honey
  • A teaspoon of warm water


Firstly, you soak the aspirin tablets in the warm water to have a paste-like consistency. To this paste, add the prepared honey and now apply this prepared paste to the affected part. Leave your application on for ten minutes and wash off by using with warm water. Afterward, you gently pat your skin dry. Try following this home treatment frequently for removing ingrown hairs.

4. How To Get Rid Of Ingrown Hairs With Sugar Scrub

How to get rid of ingrown hairs

Sugar is able to bring out the ingrown hair and eliminate the dead skin cells altogether because it works as a natural exfoliator. It makes the skin radiant & smooth and gently eases the ingrown hair from your skin. This sugar scrub is preferable to combat the ingrown hairs on cheeks and legs. See how to get rid of ingrown hairs with the sugar scrub:

Option 1:

Things we need:

  • One cup of sugar
  • Several drops of tea tree oil
  • One-half cup of olive oil


First, put the sugar in a bowl and add the tea tree oil along with olive oil in it. Next, mix all these items well and now apply the resultant scrub to the affected part. Gently rub it and scrub for around three minutes moving the tips of your fingers in a circular motion. Then use enough warm water to wash the area. It's advised to use the remedy twice each week to eliminate ingrown hairs in a natural way.

Option 2:

Clove in this scrub comes with anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and antiviral features that can lower the redness caused due to ingrown hairs.

Things we need:

  • ½ cup of brown sugar
  • Three drops of clove essential oil
  • Almond or jojoba oil


Take the brown sugar at first and later add the clove essential oil to it. To this mixture, add some almond or jojoba oil and scrub the skin with the resulting mixture. Finally, use lukewarm water to rinse the skin prior to you towel dry it.

5. Use Salt Scrub For Removing Ingrown Hairs

Salt naturally helps to draw out impurities from the skin along with destroying and healing bacteria. This treatment is considered among the best remedies on how to get rid of ingrown hairs. Salt also functions as an exfoliating agent and can reduce red bumps' swelling. It also assists in promoting blood circulation. How to get rid of ingrown hairs with the salt scrub? The great answer is given below:

Things we need:

  • Two teaspoons of salt
  • One cup of warm water
  • Cotton balls


Mix the salt in warm water at first. Then gently stir it and allow the salt to dissolve in the water. Thereafter, take the cotton balls and soak in this solution for around one minute. Presently, use the cotton balls to apply the resulting solution on your affected area and rub the solution lightly over the ingrown hairs. After about 2 minutes, use the wet warm cloth to wipe the area. You easily remove ingrown hairs by repeating the remedy twice each day.

6. How To Get Rid Of Ingrown Hair Using Aloe Vera Mask

Aloe vera contains many benefits to skin, health, and hair and has multiple uses to treat many health problems . It's also rich in nutrients and fiber. Are you wondering how to get rid of ingrown hairs naturally? Then opt for aloe vera mask instantly. Aloe vera also comes with the cooling & soothing nature that provides fast relief from inflammation and itchiness associated with ingrown hairs. Apart from that, it has the capacity to encourage the healing procedure and protect the skin from any infection.  Use the following steps below to get instant relief from ingrown hairs.

Things we need:

  • One tablespoon of honey
  • Two tablespoons of aloe vera gel


For this remedy, you take the prepared aloe vera gel and add the honey in it. Later mix these well to have a uniform paste and afterward, apply on the affected part by using the paste. Keep your application for 15 minutes before removing using warm water. To combat ingrown hairs quickly, repeat this natural treatment 2 times weekly.

7. Honey Mask Remedy

How to get rid of ingrown hairs

The great answer to how to get rid of ingrown hairs naturally is using honey. Honey  can protect the ingrown hairs from getting infected owing to its antibacterial abilities. Being packed with anti-inflammatory qualities, honey also soothes the area and lowers swelling as well. It also heals the pus in the red bumps caused due to ingrown hair and keeps your skin hydrated altogether. The lemon present in this mask accelerates the healing process, thereby removing ingrown hairs more quickly. Here is how to get rid of ingrown hairs with this mask:

Things we need:

  • Two tablespoons of honey
  • One tablespoon of lemon juice


First of all, take the honey (2 tbsp) in 1 small bowl and later add lemon juice (a tbsp) in it. You need to combine these things well to obtain a smooth paste. Now apply that paste on your infected area and wait for fifteen minutes or more before washing with cold water. You can easily remove ingrown hairs by following the remedy twice in one week.

8. Use Apple Cider Vinegar

Are you looking for ways to get rid of ingrown hairs naturally? Then opt for this remedy. Apple cider vinegar  packs antibacterial and anti-inflammatory abilities, which remove inflammation, inhibit infection and eliminate any bacteria on your skin. It lessens inflammation the size of bumps caused by ingrown hairs. So, how to get rid of ingrown hairs with apple cider vinegar? The idea answer is provided below:

Things we need:

  • 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar
  • 4 to 5 tablespoons of water
  • Cotton balls


Firstly, dilute the ACV with the water and later soak the prepared cotton balls in the resulting solution for about two minutes. After this, use the cotton balls to dab on affected area. After five minutes, you remove the cotton balls & wash your area using lukewarm water. The ingrown hairs will be removed soon by repeating the remedy two times each day.

9. How To Get Rid Of Ingrown Hairs Using Baking Soda

Generally speaking, baking soda  comprises a soothing effect when applied on the skin. It particularly has anti-inflammatory effects that are great for lowering the redness and inflammation resulting from ingrown hairs. Also, it can exfoliate dead skin cells and alleviates itching as well. This remedy is effective for ingrown hairs on face and legs. Avoid using this remedy on armpits and on the pubic area and armpits because it may cause skin irritation. See how to get rid of ingrown hairs with baking soda:

Things we need:

  • A cup of water
  • A tablespoon of baking soda
  • Cotton balls


The initial step is adding one cup of water in one tablespoon of baking soda. Mix them well to attain a uniform solution and afterward, soak the prepared cotton balls in that solution for 1 or 2 minutes. Now dab these cotton balls on your affected areas and wash your skin with warm water after keeping for 5 minutes. To fight against ingrown hairs on face and legs, use the remedy twice a day.

10. Coconut Oil Remedy For Ingrown Hairs

How to get rid of ingrown hairs

Coconut oil can moisturize the skin and provide nourishment to it. It can remove ingrown hairs since it packs antibacterial & antifungal qualities. Furthermore, it helps to balance the skin's pH levels. Are you wondering how to get rid of ingrown hairs naturally? Then coconut oil is the ideal remedy for you.

Things we need:

  • 1 teaspoon of tea tree oil
  • 3 tablespoons of coconut oil


Firstly, you take the prepared coconut oil in 1 small bowl and heat up the oil for a while till a liquid of the oil is formed. To the liquid, add the tea tree oil and afterward, apply & massage this mixture on the skin after shaving the hair. Your ingrown hairs will be eliminated gently by using this remedy regularly after shaving process or every hair removal.

11. Combat Ingrown Hairs With Coffee Massage

The list of the natural methods on how to get rid of ingrown hairs is incomplete without consisting of coffee remedy. Thanks to its acidic properties, coffee exposes the trapped hair and keeps the skin free from infection. Moreover, it aids in making the skin pores clear and clean. The hair will grow back in the proper direction with the aid of the acidic properties of the coffee.

Things we need:

  • 3 to 4 tablespoons of coffee powder
  • One teaspoon of olive oil
  • One cup of warm water


Take the coffee powder first and then add the olive oil along with warm water to it. Now you need to mix these ingredients well to achieve a smooth paste. Use this paste to massage the affected region for 2 minutes. Lastly, use enough warm water to wash the skin carefully. Repeat the remedy 2 times weekly to naturally remove ingrown hairs.

12. How To Get Rid Of Ingrown Hairs Using Witch Hazel

Witch hazel is a topical antibacterial and astringent in nature, so it can decrease ingrown hairs. In addition, this remedy also aids in protecting the hair follicles from infection. Moreover, it's anti-inflammatory and decreases the irritation associated with ingrown hairs. Here's a recipe that explains you on how to get rid of ingrown hairs with the help of witch hazel:

Things we need:

  • Some witch hazel
  • A cotton ball


After shaving, you dip 1 cotton ball in some witch hazel and later swipe the entire area with a cotton ball. It's not necessary to wash off that witch hazel. Do this process every time you shave.

13. Lemon For Ingrown Hairs Treatment

Lemon juic e is also among impressive remedies on how to get rid of ingrown hairs naturally. Its acidic property can kill the bacteria that have colonized in ingrown hairs. Additionally, lemon juice assists in exfoliating the accumulated dead skin and helping the ingrown hairs to grow back in the proper direction. To reap the lemon juice benefits for ingrown hairs, follow these steps below:

Things we need:

  • A lemon
  • Lukewarm water


First of all, you have to extract juice from one lemon. Then, directly apply this lemon juice on the affected regions and let it dry. Lastly, use enough lukewarm water to wash it off and pat dry. The simple procedure can be repeated regularly.

14. How To Get Rid Of Ingrown Hairs Using Oatmeal

How to get rid of ingrown hairs

Oatmeal can also act as among potential remedies on how to get rid of ingrown hairs naturally. Oatmeal is crammed with anti-inflammatory and antioxidant qualities, which acts as a soothing skin agent. Here is how to get rid of ingrown hairs with oatmeal:

Things we need:

  • Oatmeal
  • Yogurt
  • Honey


Firstly, you mix ground oatmeal, yogurt together with honey in equal amounts. Next, rub the resultant mixture over your irritated areas and after thirty minutes, rinse this mixture off with cold water. Follow frequently for best effects.

15. Castor Oil Remedy

Generally, castor oil is among the potent remedies on how to get rid of ingrown hairs fast. Castor oil can draw out the pus and impurities found in the skin pores, thus making the ingrown hairs to grow in the proper direction. Thus, how to get rid of ingrown hairs with the help of castor oil? The answer is provided below:

Things we need:

  • Castor oil
  • A washcloth


Firstly, slather some castor oil on your affected areas and keep this on for 10 to 15 minutes. Then, take 1 washcloth and soak it in warm water. Now wring out the excess and wipe off the application with the wet washcloth. To naturally and rapidly get rid of ingrown hairs, repeat the easy process 2 or 3 times each day.

16. Cornstarch Remedy

The wonderful answer to how to get rid of ingrown hairs is using cornstarch. Cornstarch remedy is able to reduce the symptoms of ingrown hairs such as inflammation, swelling and pain. Furthermore, the remedy assists in drawing out the dead skin cells making the ingrown hairs to grow in the proper direction. Follow the remedy below:

Things we need:

  • Some cornstarch
  • Water


Prepare a paste by combining together cornstarch and water. Next, spread on your infected parts with the paste and leave your application to dry completely. Gently peel the application and rinse with water.  The process can be repeated frequently until the ingrown hairs are removed totally.

17. How To Get Rid Of Ingrown Hairs With Potato Peel

How to get rid of ingrown hairs

Potatoes can aid in soothing the inflammation resulting from the ingrown hairs because it has high amounts of antioxidants. It also reduces the redness and itching caused by ingrown hairs. Particularly, the starch found in the potato will aid in drawing out the hair and protecting the dermis when the hair has been eliminated. It also enhances skin regeneration, moisturizes and soothes the area, thereby preventing ingrown hair scars.

Things we need:

  • A potato
  • A bandage or gauze


Peel one potato at first and then place the inner side of the potato on your infected parts. With the aid of a bandage or gauze, secure the peel and keep it on for a day. Remove the peel afterward and now replace it with a new one. To get visible effects, repeat the process daily.

18. Use Garlic

Garlic is enriched with the antiviral & antibacterial abilities, so it can eliminate swelling and redness related to ingrown hairs. Besides, the sulfur in garlic also makes it a potential remedy on how to get rid of ingrown hairs naturally. Try the method below:

Things we need:

  • Warm water
  • 1 to 2 garlic cloves


Brush 1 to 2 garlic cloves to attain a paste at first and apply the resulting garlic paste on your affected areas. Keep your application on for 20 to 30 minutes and lastly, rinse with warm water. In order to remove ingrown hairs faster, repeat the process every day.

19. Eggshell Membrane For Ingrown Hairs Removal

Eggshell membrane  can provide efficient defense against the invasion of bacteria, therefore it can be effectively remedies for ingrown hairs. Here is how to get rid of ingrown hairs with this remedy:

Things we need:

  • Eggshell membrane


Firstly, take membrane out of inside an eggshell and later apply it carefully on the problem area. Now leave your application to dry for several minutes and afterward, shrink around the area. Pull it off once dry and the ingrown will be removed significantly.

20. How To Get Rid Of Ingrown Hair Using Strawberries

Strawberries  have the ability to help the ingrown hairs to grow in the true direction. This fruit also exfoliates the dead skin cells, thus removing ingrown hairs naturally. See how to get rid of ingrown hairs with strawberries:

Things we need:

  • Several strawberries
  • Some sour cream


Take few strawberries at first and crush them afterward. Now add a little of sour cream and combine well. Thereafter, apply this combination over the affected areas and after twenty minutes, rinse with cold water. This process can be followed regularly.

21. Black Tea Bags For Ingrown Hairs Removal

How to get rid of ingrown hairs

This is also among the best remedies on how to get rid of ingrown hairs because the black tea packs tannic acid, which lowers inflammation & redness and helps to soothe the skin altogether. In addition, the black tea is able to ease redness, itching and inflammation owing to its tannic acid.

Option 1:

Things we need:

  • 1 black tea bag
  • Warm water


Take a black tea bag first and then moisten it in warm water. Then, rub it over your infected area for around 2-3 minutes. You can repeat the procedure several times every day as needed.

Option 2:

  • 1 black tea bag
  • 1 teaspoon of coconut water
  • 1 cotton ball


Take a black tea bag first and then steep it in hot water for several minutes. Remove the tea bag from the water afterward and now squeeze out the resulting liquid into a bowl. You mix the liquid in 1 tsp of coconut water. Immerse a cotton ball in this mixture and gently press it on the irritated skin. It is recommended to do this twice every day for several days until you notice an improvement.

Additional Tips And Precautions:

In addition to the above methods, you should also try following a few extra tips given below to prevent and remove ingrown hairs completely:

  • You should wash the affected area every day with lukewarm water & antibacterial soap as well because this aids in preventing bacterial growth.
  • Before shaving, exfoliate the skin carefully since this prevents razor bumps or ingrown hairs.
  • Instead of shaving, women can choose waxing. Instead of multiple blades, opt for using the razor with a single blade because this prevents razor bumps. Avoid using old blades and razors for shaving.
  • You can apply antiseptic creams on your affected areas because they help to prevent the infection.
  • Exfoliate & moisturize the areas frequently to remove unwanted hairs.
  • Avoid shaving for at least four weeks after eliminating the ingrown hair.

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So, now are you wondering how to get rid of ingrown hairs naturally? Just use these home remedies & tips and remove the ingrown hairs rapidly. They will help you to prevent the problem of ingrown hairs. After trying out these remedies and tips, if your condition still persists, then consult a dermatologist. You can also read more our informative posts by visiting our main Health page. Did you find our post helpful? Do you know any other remedies on how to get rid of ingrown hairs? Share it with us by leaving your comments in the box below.

  • Body care
  • DIY skin care

How to Get Rid of Ingrown Hairs on Legs
